We are one

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We are one

As part of GHIS social responsibility, the school initiated its WE ARE ONE program to instill a sense of citizenship among our students in the process of reinforcing the importance of volunteering and giving back to one’s community.

The program constitutes a good opportunity to teach children about charity and volunteering through building a culture of giving. These “benefits” should be taught along with teaching them manners, how to excel in school and even how to be good friends and citizens. This is achieved through giving them real responsibilities to undertake.

Why “We Are One”?

GHIS genuinely believes in being one with the community which is, at one side of it, manifested in giving to charity which helps make our communities better places to live in, by helping to provide goods and services to people who might not otherwise have access to them. When we raise the standard of living for the least able among us, we raise our own standard of living in turn.

Those who witness our giving are reminded that we are all interdependent on one another for our care and well-being. That reminder can have a viral effect and motivate countless others to follow our example. Therefore, the “We Are One” program was initiated to cover this important aspect of GHIS obligation towards its surrounding community.

Building character/Teaching through Charity Events

The activities falling under the “We Are One” program come as an intrinsic part of GHIS annual school calendar. Twice a year, a whole week is designed for hosting the program activities of charity where students representing different age groups take an active core part. The program has already collaborated with the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357, various orphanages as well as direct donation to residents of some poor areas in Cairo. Students, supervised by their teachers, made all the preparations needed for carrying out these activities as well as represented the school at all parties concerned.

Charity events for children teach the vital traits of compassion, generosity and humanity for others. Children must be taught to share. They must be taught to think of others. One of the best ways to teach these traits is to involve children in charitable activities.

Community involvement and charity begin at home. Children learn by emulating observed behavior. Teaching children to be charitable requires demonstrating compassionate giving through daily activities, special events and general practice. Charitable activities fan the flames of kindness and spark positive, caring traits in children.