Student Policies

School Timing & Tardiness Policy

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School Timing & Tardiness Policy

  • School days start at 7:30 am and end at 3:00 pm.
  • Students are expected to be at school by 7:35 am maximum in order to attend the morning line.
  • School gate will be closed at 8:15 am.


  • Students entering school after 8:00 am will lose from the participation marks of the subject of the first session.
  • A student who arrives after 8:15 am will not be allowed to enter without his/her parent.
  • Students entering school after 8:00 am must pass by the front office to get a tardy slip in order to be able to enter the class.
  • The school will only excuse tardiness when written documentation (note) is submitted or verbal notification is received and are for one of the following reasons:
  1. Medical/Dental appointment
  2. Delayed school bus
  3. All excused absence reasons apply

All other reasons must be reviewed by the appropriate Coordinator or Head of School before a tardy is excused.

  • School will take the required action against students with repetitive tardiness.

Dismissal Policy

  • Students leaving by car should be picked up no later than 3:40 p.m.
  • The school will not permit students to leave the school by a different arrangement without a written note from parents.
  • Parents are expected to call three hours before dismissal time.
  • Last minute parent phone calls are not accepted.
  • Students leaving school before the regular dismissal time should have a very serious excuse for leaving.

Visitors Policy

Parents/guardians of students are always welcome to visit GHIS staff members. However, prior arrangements need to be made through the school administration.

Payment Policy

School installments are scheduled in August, December, and February.

Parents should send the installment receipt either by email or stapled in the channel book in order to receive the resource packs.

School Uniform Policy

Girl-elementary school student with a backpack and a book with glasses is on a light background .The concept of education and primary school

School Uniform Policy

  • Students should appear neat and clean. The school administration reserves the right to make final judgment on acceptable attire of students.
  • All students are required to wear the GHIS school uniform provided by Rose Marie Stores.
  • Shoes must be black, dark blue or dark grey preferably leather, except for the P.E. shoes, as these can be any color.


The following items are not permitted in school:

  • Earrings (other than studs)
  • Nose and extra ear piercings.
  • Gold necklaces/bracelets and/or anklets, etc.
  • Toys, slime, bouncy balls, etc.

Bus Policy

  • Bus students should leave school on their assigned buses as no student will be allowed to ride with another student on his/her bus for any reason.
  • It’s not allowed by any means to change buses after the start of the school year.
  • Students should wait for their buses according to the time given to parents at the beginning of the year. It will not be possible for the bus to wait for late students.
  • Students are not allowed to ride in another student’s car unless a written request from the parents is submitted to the school administration before 11:00 am.
  • Students are not allowed to leave in another student’s car if it is driven by a student.

Bus Policy

School Bus Conduct

Riding the school bus is a privilege. Students who do not follow the rules and regulations will be reported to the school administration. Parents will be notified of the situation, and the student may be suspended from riding the bus, at first temporarily and, if necessary, permanently.

Students should abide by the following rules:


  • Students must be seated at all times while the bus is moving.
  • Students must not use inappropriate language with others.
  • Students must respect adults on the bus.
  • Students must remain quiet and not disturb the driver.
  • Students listening to mobiles, IPods, MP3 players should ensure that the volume is low and that they are not disturbing any other passenger.
  • Avoid talking to the matron or the driver in an inappropriate way.
  • The bus matron has the authority to assign seating for any disruptive student.
  • Problems and concerns that arise on the bus should be reported to the school administration immediately.

Homework Policy

At all levels, homework is an essential part of the curriculum. If homework is not completed, the student’s grades will be affected.

It is the responsibility of the student to:

  • Check Classera to track assigned work in each subject.

  • Always exert good effort.

  • Understand assignments clearly before leaving class. The teacher will indicate the nature of the work, which book it has to be done in, and when it is due.

  • Bring home the proper materials (books, copybook, etc.) to complete the assignments.

  • Hand in completed assignments on time and according to Homework Rubric (shared on Moodle) expectations.

  • Complete your homework in a proper form i.e. clearly labeled with name and class, legibly written or typed (clean and in good handwriting), and grammatically correct.

  • Calculate the allotted time for long-term assignments properly.

  • Complete any assignment due to absence from class.

  • Understand how homework marks will affect your final grade.

Promptly discuss with your teacher any issues that arise concerning challenging homework assignments.

Book Policy

  • Students will receive the textbooks for their respective subjects at the beginning of the year.
  • Teachers will maintain a list of textbooks issued, including an identification number and condition of the textbook when issued and when returned.
  • Students are responsible for keeping track and maintaining their own textbooks and library books in good condition.
  • If a student loses or damages a book, he/she is responsible for paying the replacement cost of the book.

Lost Property

  • The school is not responsible for the loss of personal property. Therefore, no expensive items should be brought to school.
  • Students are advised not to bring unnecessarily large sums of money to school.
  • Lost items found at school will be placed in the lost and found areas located within the school.
  • Items that are not claimed by the start of winter break or by the start of summer break will be donated to charity associations.


Cell Phone Policy

  • Cell phones are strictly prohibited on school campus for elementary school students.
  • In case the student is caught using a mobile, an action will be taken through the school administration. (Refer to the discipline policy.)



CLASSERA is a password-protected and monitored website for the students and parents to check grades, academic calendars, assignments, classwork, extra activities and worksheets provided by their teachers. In order to ensure students’ safety on the Internet, we have listed the following guidelines to be followed:

  • The site is an extension of the All school rules apply.
  • Students will be issued a user name and password to join User names must not be changed by the students.
  • Passwords are not to be shared with anyone inside or outside the
  • If a student has any problem regarding CLASSERA, parents are requested to inform the stage coordinator, and the issue will be referred to the IT
  • Students should be respectful at all time and use appropriate

Discipline Policy

  • Discipline is determined on an individual basis with parent communication.  Consequences will be based on the severity of the circumstances and on the frequency of the student’s misbehavior at school.  Discipline will become more progressive and severe when a student decides not to follow the school rules.
  • Depending on the situation the school administration, reserve the right to use extra measures other than the mentioned consequences such as: 
    • Loss of credit
    • Open suspension
    • Expulsion from the school for the remainder of the year or next school year

Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions or the acceptable use policy will lose their opportunity to benefit from this service.