Extra Curricular Activities

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Extra Curricular Activities

With extra-curricular activities there comes a huge variety of benefits for the participating students, for example they learn time management and prioritizing. They get involved in diverse interests which broadens their scopes of reasoning and making choices. Participating in extra-curricular activities also makes a student learn about long-term commitment and fosters a deep sense of consideration of one’s self and other partners in life. Therefore, a student may, by time, excel in building solid relations with the surrounding world in the wake of building his/her own character.

In light of the above, throughout its years of operation, GHIS has been keen on providing quality extra-curricular activities that would truly contribute to all the aforementioned character traits. A well-selected range of activity clubs are run on weekly basis for two hours each Thursday at least 10 times a trimester. The clubs this year 2016-2017 included physical activities such as football, handball, gymnastics, basketball and Zumba while others focused on character building activities such as scouting, a third type looked after talents such as music and art.